over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Last Chance to Order the 2021-2022 Yearbook! This yearbook will include Elementary, JHS and HS! The yearbook is a time capsule that can help your student remember important, defining times in their life. Embrace each milestone and accomplishment with the ‘22 yearbook. Each yearbook is carefully curated by students and staff, then professionally printed by Jostens manufacturing experts. Experience the craftsmanship of this American-made keepsake. Reserve yours today and the memories will last for years to come! We will only have a limited number of extra books due to cost, so please order your books or risk not being able to purchase when they arrive. REMINDER this yearbook is a fall release book so they will not arrive until the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1079390/Italy-High-School/2022-Yearbook/2022010804164885079/CATALOG_SHOP/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=YBK_CMP_HS_N_LC3_NL_E3_20220419&utm_source=exacttarget&utm_term=All+Subscribers
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Elementary is all about reading right now. Would you please tell your friends and family about our Read-a-thon by sharing a quick Facebook post? Click on this link to go to a suggested Facebook post: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/tool/iCcGQe/3 Thanks so much, Beth Jones, Librarian
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Weekly Announcement: Wednesday, 20th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 8 Book Fair all week, parents can shop with their student during student’s lunch time or on family night. Thursday, 21st – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 9 Book Fair – Family Night 4:30-6pm (library) PreK Roundup 4:30-6pm (front office) Open House 5-5:45pm (classrooms) 6th Grade Band Performance 5:30pm, 6th grade students please go to the gym for roll call at 5pm Friday, 22nd – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 10 Book Fair Final day to turn in money/order for PTO field day t-shirt. Please fill out the form completely because each grade level is a different colored shirt. Please send exact cash or checks payable to Stafford Elementary PTO. FLS/ECSE Daisy; PreK Purple; Kinder Sky Blue; 1st Teal; 2nd Electric Green; 3rd Orange; 4th Kelly Green; 5th Blue; 6th Red Monday, 25th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 11 Candy Bar Bingo Night! 6-8pm at the High School Cafeteria. Snack Bar: Hot dogs, chips, drinks, desserts. Bingo cards $2 each or 3 for $5. Fun for the whole family. Purchase tickets at the door. Proceeds benefit Italy High School Civil Air Patrol Booster Club. Tuesday, 26th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 12 Wednesday, 27th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 13 Thursday, 28th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 14 Friday, 29th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 15 Read-a-thon ends! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCGe7oE1bp3hIuKl7b-xWCrifGg2gQY9/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=62601c64 Go Stafford!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
One School, One Book – Chapter 8 - Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 8
One School, One Book – Chapter 7 - Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 7
Head Start 2022-2023
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Head Start English
Head Start Spanish
One School, One Book – Chapter 6 - Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 6
Stafford Weekly Announcement: Thursday, 14th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 4 Friday, 15th – Good Friday Holiday - No school for students and staff One School One Book – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 5 Saturday, 16th – **Italy Lions Club invites you to the pancake breakfast fundraiser (pancakes, sausage, and bacon), $8 per person and $5 for kids ages 10 and under at Central Baptist Family Life Center 8-10am. **Central Baptist Families presents The Great Egg Hunt! On the church grounds free to all PreK-5th grades at 10am. Monday, 18th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 6 Book Fair Begins - Parents may shop all week with their student during the student's lunch time or on family night Board Meeting 5:30pm High School Tuesday, 19th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 7 Book Fair Wednesday, 20th – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 8 Book Fair Thursday, 21st – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 9 Book Fair – Family night 4:30-6pm (library) PreK Roundup 4:30-6pm (cafeteria) Open House 5-5:45pm (classrooms) Friday, 22nd – Life According to Og the Frog – Chapter 10 Book Fair PTO Field Day T-Shirts: Today is the final day to turn in orders. Please fill out the forms completely because each grade level will have a different colored shirt. Please send exact cash or checks payable to Stafford Elementary PTO. Thank you for supporting our amazing PTO! FLS/ECSE Daisy; PreK Purple; Kinder Sky Blue; 1st Teal; 2nd Electric Green; 3rd Orange; 4th Kelly Green; 5th Blue; 6th Red https://drive.google.com/file/d/13g6ETpFPLkYVRS5zuZFnWEZgXIaoXTmU/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=62584bdb Go Stafford!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
One School, One Book – Chapters 4 and 5 - Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 4 and 5
Most grandparents love to keep up with their grandchildren and they'd love to know how much the kids are reading. They can also be extremely generous. Click on this link to go to your Grandparent Email Tool: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/tool/iCcGQe/1 Thanks so much, Beth Jones, Stafford Elementary Librarian
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
PTO Field Day T-Shirt: Order forms were also sent home with the students this week. This sale ends on Friday, April 22nd, send exact cash or checks payable to Stafford Elementary PTO. Please fill out the order form completely because each grade level will have a different colored shirt. Stafford Field Day will be on Friday, May 20th. Thank you for supporting our amazing PTO! FLS/ECSE: Daisy PreK: Purple Kinder: Sky Blue 1st: Teal 2nd: Electric Green 3rd: Orange 4th: Kelly Green 5th: Blue 6th: Red
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Field Day Shirt
One School One Book – Chapter 3 - Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 3
The Stafford Elementary Read-a-thon is going full blast! Read-a-thon is a fun, exciting journey that will get your children excited about reading. We know you have limited time but want the best education for your child. That’s why we hope everyone will activate their reader's account as soon as possible. This is where you can record and view your reader's progress. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/iCcGQe/1 and following the simple instructions. Thanks so much, Stafford Elementary
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
One School One Book - Read Chapter Two tonight! Check out our digital resource hub readtothemresource/hub.org Find our book (Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney) and click on it. Password: BoingRm26
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 2
Dear Stafford Parent/Guardian, Our 2nd annual community wide shared reading event, Monday, April 11th – Friday, April 29th. Every family has received a copy of Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney. Reading aloud at home prepares your child to be an effective reader. It’s also a fun, worthwhile family activity. Through this program we aim to build a Community of Readers at Stafford Elementary. Everyone - students, parents, even administrative staff - will all be following along together, reading the same book. I am personally asking you to take the time to read together at home over the next few weeks. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child’s own reading level. We also believe that you should continue reading chapter books with your older children, even when they are able to read by themselves. We have selected a title that can be enjoyed and understood by younger students, but will still captivate and stimulate older children. In school, your child will be invited to answer daily trivia questions to encourage and reward attentive listening. In class, students will explore the book through activities and discussion. You will want to make sure your family keeps up so that your child can be included. Everyone will be talking about Life According to Og the Frog. Last year we met Humphrey, the cute beloved hamster. This year we will meet his special friend Og. Og the Frog has just moved into Room 26, and the place is hopping. There are lively kids, new routines, and a furry neighbor who seems to squeak all day. But just as Og is getting used to this new life, there is talk of sending him back to the pond. With your help, we can build a community of readers and make our way through life just like Og. Mr. Bray
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Chapter 1
Stafford Elementary parents, we are holding a Read-a-thon, Monday, April 11th - Friday, April 29th and we really need everyone to participate. If you have not already done so, please click on this link to activate your reader’s personal page: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/iCcGQe You can do it all in a minute or two and really help us meet our financial needs. Go Stafford! Mrs. Jones, Librarian
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Dear Parent/Guardian, Stafford Elementary is about to take part in our 2nd annual community wide shared reading event. Every family will receive a copy of Life According to Og the Frog by Betty G. Birney. Reading aloud at home prepares your child to be an effective reader. It’s also a fun, worthwhile family activity. Through this program we aim to build a Community of Readers at Stafford Elementary. Everyone - students, parents, even administrative staff - will all be following along together, reading the same book. I am personally asking you to take the time to read together at home over the next few weeks. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child’s own reading level. We also believe that you should continue reading chapter books with your older children, even when they are able to read by themselves. We have selected a title that can be enjoyed and understood by younger students, but will still captivate and stimulate older children. In school, your child will be invited to answer daily trivia questions to encourage and reward attentive listening. In class, students will explore the book through activities and discussion. You will want to make sure your family keeps up so that your child can be included. Everyone will be talking about Life According to Og the Frog. Last year we met Humphrey, the cute beloved hamster. This year we will meet his special friend Og. Og the Frog has just moved into Room 26, and the place is hopping. There are lively kids, new routines, and a furry neighbor who seems to squeak all day. But just as Og is getting used to this new life, there is talk of sending him back to the pond. With your help, we can build a community of readers and make our way through life just like Og. Mr. Bray
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
One School One Book
Stafford Weekly Announcement: Friday, 8th – End of the 5th Six Weeks Saturday, 9th - Nacho Average Band Dinner - $12 per person - Raffle and Silent Auction - Purchase a ticket from your favorite band member or at the door - Authentic Taco Dinner - Benefiting the Italy Gladiator Regiment Band Booster Club. At the Central Baptist Church Family Life Center 5-7:30pm Monday, 11th – Beginning of 6th Six Weeks Read-a-thon begins today, this will be a fun and exciting journey. We know you have limited time but want the best education for your child. Please activate your reader's account as soon as possible. This is where you can record and view your reader's progress. Activate your reader’s account at https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/iCcGQe/1 Tuesday, 12th – Kinder Graduation Pictures: To order online please go to www.mylifetouch.com using picture day ID: EVTFZS7HV Paper order forms have been sent home with students and extras are available at Stafford. If you do not order online, on picture day please send in completed order form with exact cash or checks made payable to Lifetouch. Questions please contact customer service at 800-736-4753. Wednesday, 13th – SHAC meeting 4:30pm High School Friday, 15th – Holiday - Good Friday - No School for Students and Staff https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bff_A64J_S0pva1-au0tAs25HTFGkmSI/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=624ef629 Go Stafford!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
It's time for the Stafford Elementary Read-a-thon! Read-a-thon promises to be a fun, exciting journey that starts Monday April 11, 2022. We will get your children excited about reading. We know you have limited time but want the best education for your child. That’s why we hope everyone will activate their reader's account as soon as possible. This is where you can record and view your reader's progress. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/iCcGQe/1 and following the simple instructions. Go Stafford!
over 2 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist