Stafford Elementary will begin accepting 1st through 6th grade Parent Nominations for the Gifted and Talented Program beginning today. The nomination form describes some characteristics of possible gifted students as you consider your nomination. You may also reach out to the GT Coordinator for Stafford Elementary, Elizabeth Jones ( ejones@italyisd.org ).
The nomination form must be turned in to Stafford Elementary no later than February 13, 2025, @ 4:00 PM.
Download fillable form from link below

Congratulations to our very own Jaslyn Acosta! Well done and we are proud of you! You represented Italy ISD phenomenally!

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 7th
*No School for Students or Staff
Sunday, 9th
*Daylight Savings Time – Spring Forward an Hour
Monday, 10th through Friday, 14th
*Spring Break – No School for Students or Staff
Monday, 17th
*PTO meeting at 5:15pm in the Stafford Cafeteria
Thursday, 20th
*Spring Book Fair families can shop with their student during the students lunch time
Friday, 21st
*No School for Students or Staff
*World Down Syndrome Day – Rock Your Socks or Wear Blue and Yellow!
Saturday, 22nd
*Learning Camp for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F8J_So4Moh73bh7BZJEpwSVRkDvtZOFi/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=67c9d4c0
*Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day except non-exempt days (i.e. STAAR, etc.).
*Visitors must have valid ID to be scanned in and must wear a badge given to them at the front desk at all times.
*When visiting, parents will have a designated area to eat with their student(s) only, during their designated lunch period.
*Parents/Guardians are not allowed to eat lunch with other students or bring food for other students.
Go Stafford!

Parents just letting you know buses are running a little late because of the storm, but they are on their way.

Italy ISD Athletic Banquet Information:

Stafford Spring Book Fair

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 28th
*No School for Students or Staff
Saturday, 1st
* Learning Camp at Stafford for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
Sunday, 2nd
*Read Across America Day – Dr. Seuss Birthday! – “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Dr. Seuss
*Texas Independence Day
Monday, 3rd
*“Cat in the Hat” Wear your favorite hat to school!
Tuesday, 4th
*Step into the world of Seuss with your wackiest socks!
Wednesday, 5th
*Oh the Places, You’ll Go – Dress in your Hawaiian or tourist gear and let the fun begin!
Thursday, 6th
*4th Grade Field Trip
Friday, 7th
*No School for Students or Staff
*Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! Thank you to our wonderful maintenance staff Brad, Bobby, JD, Michael and Lynn. You always go above and beyond for Italy ISD. Thanks for being flexible with your schedule, your willingness to do so does not go unnoticed. You’re also always quick to answer the call when a situation arises. Your work and dedication are genuinely appreciated!
Monday, 10th – Friday, 14th
*Spring Break – No School for Students and Staff
*Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day except non-exempt days (i.e. STAAR, etc.).
*Visitors must have valid ID to be scanned in and must wear a badge given to them at the front desk at all times.
*When visiting, parents will have a designated area to eat with their student(s) only, during their designated lunch period.
*Parents/Guardians are not allowed to eat lunch with other students or bring food for other students.
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oNizcyqFFb_bf1FQqhrw67lYbxNoRiD3/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=67c0b296
Go Stafford!

March Menus

Learning Camp for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm at Stafford

School Bus Appreciation Day!
Thank you to our awesome amazing bus drivers: JD, Brad, Weston, Lynn, Bobby, Raelyn and their aides Kae, Jill, Cassi, Lauren, Nina and Rosa!
And to everyone who drives when they are unable or to extracurricular events. You are sometimes the first smiling adult a child sees each morning and the last before they get home. You always brave the weather to get the students safely where they need to be, while being a shining example as you do it! We are extremely thankful for all of you!

Learning Camp for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm at Stafford

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 21st
*No School for Students or Staff
Saturday, 22nd
*Learning Camp at Stafford for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
Monday, 24th
*2025-2026 JHS/HS Italy ISD Cheer - mandatory parent meeting at 6pm at the High School cafeteria for 6th-11th graders.
Tuesday, 25th
*Reading Benchmark for 3rd-6th Grades
Thursday, 27th
*Math Benchmark for 3rd-6th Grades
Friday, 28th
*No School for Students or Staff
Saturday, 1st
* Learning Camp at Stafford for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
Sunday, 2nd
*Read Across America Day – Dr. Seuss Birthday! – “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Dr. Suess
*Texas Independence Day
*Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day except non-exempt days (i.e. STAAR, etc.).
*Visitors must have valid ID to be scanned in and must wear a badge given to them at the front desk at all times.
*When visiting, parents will have a designated area to eat with their student(s) only, during their designated lunch period.
*Parents/Guardians are not allowed to eat lunch with other students or bring food for other students.
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a_KhO6FT_KmaQT47sSKgs8_10tUWfGG-/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=67b78f9c
Go Stafford!

Read Across America Week at Stafford!
March 3rd-March 5th

Learning Camp for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm at Stafford

2025-2026 JHS/HS Italy ISD Cheerleaders!

Learning Camp for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm at Stafford

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 14th
*Staff Development Day – No School for Students
Saturday, 15th
*School Resource Officer Day – Amos and Rumsey! We appreciate all the work you do to bridge the gaps between law enforcement and youth and keeping schools safe!!
Monday, 17th
*Beginning of the 5th Six Weeks
*School Board Meeting 5:30pm at the High School
Tuesday, 18th
*Italy FFA canned food drive ends. Unexpired and nonperishable food only, dropped off to Ms. Harton’s room at the JHS/HS or Mrs. Penner at Stafford. Student with the most donations will win a gift card. Donations will be dropped off to Manna House. For more information: kharton@italyisd.org
Wednesday, 19th
*100th Day of School – This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far.
*Report Cards Posted in Parent Portal
Friday, 21st
*No School for Students or Staff
Saturday, 22nd
*Learning Camp at Stafford for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
*Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day except non-exempt days (i.e. STAAR, etc.).
*Visitors must have valid ID to be scanned in and must wear a badge given to them at the front desk at all times.
*When visiting, parents will have a designated area to eat with their student(s) only, during their designated lunch period.
*Parents/Guardians are not allowed to eat lunch with other students or bring food for other students.
Go Stafford!

Stafford PTO Announcements:
*The PTO meeting that was scheduled for today, Monday the 10th has been cancelled.
*PTO Valentine Candy Grams are still on sale during PE this week Monday 10th - Wednesday, 12th - $1 for blow pop or air head; $2 for sour patch or fun dip. They will be delivered on the 13th.
*Attached is a flyer for Stafford's Valentines Dance for Kinder-6th grades this Thursday the 13th during PE times. Concessions for sale by PTO. Dance is for students only.

FFA Canned Food Drive

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 7th
*No School for Students or Staff
*Daddy Daughter Dance sponsored by the High School Juniors for 3rd-6th grades in the Stafford Cafeteria from 7-9pm. Please pay at the door, cash or checks payable to Italy ISD. $10 per dad, $10 per daughter. If you have more than 1 daughter attending, each additional daughter will be $5. They will also have concessions for sale. The event is for students who are currently registered and attending Stafford.
Saturday, 8th
*Learning Camp at Stafford for 3rd-6th Grades 8:30am-12:30pm
Monday 10th, Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th
*PTO Valentine Candy Grams on sale during PE - $1 for blow pop or air head; $2 for sour patch or fun dip
Monday, 10th
*PTO Meeting 5:15pm in the Stafford Cafeteria
Tuesday, 11th
*Watch NBC 5 to see a Stafford teacher win an Excellent Educator award 11:30am-12pm!
Thursday, 13th
*Valentines dance (students only) during PE. Concessions for sale by PTO.
*PTO Val-o-grams delivered
*FFA candy grams delivered
*End of the 4th Six Weeks
Friday, 14th
*Staff Development Day – No school for students
Saturday, 15th
*School Resource Officer Day – Amos & Rumsey!
*Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day except non-exempt days (i.e. STAAR, etc.).
*Visitors must have valid ID to be scanned in and must wear a badge given to them at the front desk at all times.
*When visiting, parents will have a designated area to eat with their student(s) only, during their designated lunch period.
*Parents/Guardians are not allowed to eat lunch with other students or bring food for other students.
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P1PDiPY07zcKBF_21qulaRtZnHnCLyly/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=67a4e5e1
Go Stafford!