December Menus https://www.italyisd.org/page/food-services

UPDATED - Movie Night
Thursday, December 5th
Family Movie Night – Charlotte’s Web! Stafford Elementary at 6-8pm. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. This is a family event, no student drop offs. Free admission. Concessions for sale by PTO. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 22nd
*No School for Students or Staff
Monday, 25th - Friday, 29th
*Thanksgiving Break - We are thankful to all our parents, staff, administration, school board and community for your support! We are thankful for each one of our students! We hope you enjoy this time off with family and friends! May this holiday bring new blessings and a renewed appreciation for the ones you already have! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, 5th
*Big Kahuna Limo Bus Day
*Family Movie Night – Charlotte’s Web! Stafford Elementary 6-8pm. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. This is a family event; no student drop offs. Free admission. Concessions for sale by PTO. Enter through the gym door. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Friday, 6th
*No School for Students or Staff
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DjHF3TcDAXmWjJgPR-gkFddxW9v7HyYk/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=673f4aa4
*All visitors need to bring their driver's license to run through our security system for a printed badge.
*Please go to www.italyisd.org, select Schools, Select Stafford Elementary throughout the year to see Events, News, Menu etc.
Go Stafford!

Pictures with Santa!

**Renaissance Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center Angel Tree. Thank you for your support!
**Harmony Bank Food Drive for Manna House! Accepting canned food, non-perishable items or monetary donations. November 7th through November 21st you can deliver items directly to the bank located at 100 East Main Street in Italy - Monday-Thursday 9-3pm or Friday 9-5pm. You can also send items to Stafford and the bank will pick them up. Thank you for your donations!
**Stafford Nurse Office Items Needed: Tums, Children’s Tylenol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glucometer Strips (True Metrix), Calamine. Thanks for your help!

Come out to see special guests at 4:30pm at the S.M. Dunlap Library - 300 West Main Street, Italy! This Week...
Tuesday, 19th - Ms. Caballero!
Wednesday, 20th – Ms. Bell!
Thursday, 5th at Stafford Elementary - Final Chapter Mr. Bray and Family Movie Night starts at 6pm. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. This is a family event, no student drop offs. Concessions for sale by PTO. Please enter through the gym door. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 15th
*No School for Students and Staff
Monday, 18th
*School Board meeting 5:30pm at the High School
Tuesday, 19th
*2nd Grade Field Trip
Thursday, 21st
*Thanksgiving Lunch – families are welcomed to eat lunch with their student during the student’s lunch time however we only have enough cafeteria food to serve the students. Thank you for understanding.
Friday, 22nd
*No School for Students or Staff
Monday, 25th – Friday, 29th
*Thanksgiving Break – No School for Students and Staff
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UaQl6Rt4x2Xw4RyiKWVtSHmwCQTH-NUK/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=673632f2
*All visitors need to bring their driver's license to run through our security system for a printed badge.
*Please go to www.italyisd.org, select Schools, Select Stafford Elementary throughout the year to see Events, News, Menu etc.
Go Stafford!

Come out to see special guests at 4:30pm each Tuesday through Thursday at the S.M. Dunlap Library - 300 West Main Street, Italy!
This Week...
Wednesday, 13th – Ms. Jones!
Thursday, 14th - Ms. Barnes!

Come out to see special guests at 4:30pm each Tuesday through Thursday at the S.M. Dunlap Library - 300 West Main Street, Italy! This Week...
Tuesday, 12th – Mr. Horton!
Wednesday, 13th – Ms. Jones!
Thursday, 14th - Ms. Barnes!

Harmony Bank Food Drive for Manna House! Accepting canned food, non-perishable items or monetary donations.
November 7th through November 21st you can deliver items directly to the bank located at 100 East Main Street in Italy - Monday-Thursday 9-3pm or Friday 9-5pm. You can also send items to Stafford and the bank will pick them up. Thank you for your donations!
Stafford Nurse Office Items Needed:
Thanks for your help!

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Friday, 8th
*No School for Students or Staff
Monday, 11th
*Wear Red, White and Blue!
*Veterans Day – Honoring all Veterans with a Sweet Treat! Veteran parent/family can also stay and enjoy lunch with their child. We look forward to seeing you!
*National School Psychology Week – Ms. Simpson! – This week celebrates the contributions of school psychologists and the important role they play in schools, recognizing their work helping children thrive in school, at home and in life.
Tuesday, 12th
*PTO meeting 5:15pm in the Stafford cafeteria.
Friday, 15th
*No School for Students or Staff
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CONdRErMScvzWGg8Qv3SyNEXxyjYYW3H/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=672ceafe
*All visitors need to bring their driver's license to run through our security system for a printed badge.
*Please go to www.italyisd.org, select Schools, Select Stafford Elementary throughout the year to see Events, News, Menu etc.
Go Stafford!

Come see Mr. Bray and other special guests at 4:30pm each Tuesday through Thursday at the S.M. Dunlap Library - 300 West Main Street, Italy!
This week...
Wednesday, 6th – Mr. Bray!
Thursday, 7th – Mrs. Mathers!
Friday, 8th – Mrs. Elliott - Bonus Day!
Go Stafford!

See Veterans flier for Vet Celebration

Please scan the QR code to RSVP for the Senior Citizen Luncheon Invite.

Stafford: One School - One Book - Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Elementary and JHS academic UIL practice has been cancelled this afternoon after school, Monday the 4th due to the weather.

Please read flier for fun information.

One School, One Book!!
Stafford Elementary’s 4th annual schoolwide novel study begins next week! Every family will receive one copy of the book on Monday. Please email Mrs. Jones at ejones@italyisd.org if you do not get one. Reading will begin on November 6th. An explanation letter and reading schedule will come with the book or you can find more information and family activities on our Padlet link. https://padlet.com/ejones388/charlotte-s-web-family-collaboration-board-e13cb613ms4mmubx We are so excited about this year's book, and we cannot wait to get started. It's going to be "terrific, terrific, terrific"!
All families and students have access to our extended digital library through Lightbox Learning. Kids can read and interact with over 2,750 ebooks. To access the portal, use this link. https://tinyurl.com/italylightbox

Stafford Weekly Announcements:
Thursday, 31st
*End of 2nd Six Weeks
*Fall Festival - Renaissance Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in Italy 4-6pm, Games, Candy, Fun!
*City of Italy - 5-6pm Trunk or Treat on Main Street and stop by the SM Dunlap Library!
Friday, 1st
*Staff Development Day – No School for Students
*Senior Night & Veteran Day Recognition – Italy vs. Itasca
*Native American Heritage Month 11/1-11/30
Sunday, 3rd
*Daylight Savings time ends fall back an hour
Monday, 4th
*Beginning of 3rd Six Weeks
Wednesday, 6th
*Big Kahuna Items Delivered - Parents will enter the gate off of Harris Street and pull up by the gym door 11-4pm. Big Kahuna will send reminder texts to parents. Orders that are 5 items or less will be delivered to classrooms for students to take home. Thank you to everyone for supporting our fundraiser!!
*Report Cards Posted in Parent Portal
*One School - One Book Begins - Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White!!
Thursday, 7th
*Throw Back the Bulldogs – Throwback Thursday! School dress up days need to be school appropriate attire.
Friday, 8th
*No School for Students or Staff
Video Link from Mr. Bray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QtoTeowc2OAzlgEtTqAN61_D921yP894/view?usp=sharing_eil_se_dm&ts=67239fbd
*All visitors need to bring their driver's license to run through our security system for a printed badge.
*Please go to www.italyisd.org, select Schools, Select Stafford Elementary throughout the year to see Events, News, Menu etc.
Go Stafford!

November Menus