The Lady Gladiator Basketball Program would like to invite students in grades Kinder-3rd to become a Lil’ Lady Gladiator! This program is a commitment by the Varsity Lady Gladiators to mentor their Lil’ Lady Gladiator for the duration of basketball season. Lil’ Lady Gladiators is available on a first come, first serve basis for the first 15 Kinder-3rd grade students. Attached is a registration form or we have them available at Stafford. The basketball meet and greet and basketball game day date/time will be announced at a later date. Please drop off registration forms with $10 (cash or check made out to Italy ISD) at Stafford front office by Friday, December 3rd. This program includes: T-shirt, digital picture with your varsity Lady Gladiator, dinner with your varsity Lady Gladiator, warmup run out and break out before a varsity game, and if you wear your t-shirt to a home game you will get in free!! Any questions please contact Coach Jamie Moore at Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Lil' Lady Gladiators
Stafford Families, *Book Fair Family Night is tonight 3:30-5:30pm. Last day is tomorrow, closing at 1:30pm! *2nd Six Weeks Report Cards went home yesterday and are available on parent portal *Canned Food Drive November 1st - 17th the class with the most wins a prize! Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Reminder: Book Fair this week November 8th-12th Thursday is Family Night 3:30 - 5:30pm. Parents can also shop with their student during their lunch time. We will be closing the Book Fair Friday at 1:30pm! Monday - Friday - Students will also go with their class throughout the day. Thank you for supporting our book fair!!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Good Morning, The PTO Meeting that was scheduled for this evening has been cancelled. The next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, December 7th at 5:30pm in the Stafford Cafeteria. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Please click on the link below to watch the amazing Stafford Elementary Book Fair Trailer!!!!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, *Canned Food Drive November 1st - 17th the class with the most wins a prize! *Friday, Nov. 5th - Italy Gladiators @ Dawson Bulldogs - Sock it to the Bulldogs Wear Crazy Socks! *Sunday, Nov. 7th - Daylight Savings Time Ends Fall Back an Hour *Tuesday, Nov. 9th - PTO Meeting Stafford Cafeteria 5:30p.m. *Wednesday, Nov. 10th - 2nd Six Weeks Report Cards will be sent home and available on Parent Portal. *Next Week - Book Fair! November 8th – 12th Monday - Friday 8a.m-3:30p.m. open to students. Students can only go with parents during their lunch time. Students will go with their class throughout the day. Parents can shop during their students lunch time and Family Night on Thursday 3:30-5:30p.m. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
2022 Italy Youth Basketball Registration: Online registration will be open until November 21st. You can register online at Registration fee is $65. All players (PK- 6th) must live in Italy or in a town that does not offer basketball. If you have any questions, please call Memorey Hinds 972-351-6866. Follow us on Facebook at IYAA Sports. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Kinder-3rd Grade: Please find attached information regarding the Lil' Lady Gladiators. We also have forms available in the front entryway of Stafford. If you have any questions please contact Coach Jamie Moore at Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Lil' Lady Gladiators
Stafford Families, We have had a great "Healthy Habits" week. Let's keep the momentum going for our minds, bodies, and relationships to stay healthy throughout this school year. *Big Kahuna order pick up is today, Thursday, October 28th 11-4pm, please drive up to the gym doors that face the playground. *Friday, October 29th is pajama or costume day. If you wear a costume, it must be school appropriate, with no mask or make up. *There are some fun Trunk or Treat opportunities in the city of Italy Friday from 4-5pm downtown on Main Street and Renaissance Rehab & Healthcare. Be safe and have fun! Parents and students, please make sure you are encouraging your teachers and making attendance a priority. Teachers are working so hard, and we all want your students here with us each and every day. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Healthy Habits Week!! (School Appropriate Attire) Monday, 25th - Mindfulness Monday - dress up as a superhero because you’re mentally strong! Tuesday, 26th - Take Care of Yourself Tuesday - hats off to your health, wear your favorite hat! Wednesday, 27th - Work Out Wednesday -dress in your favorite fitness clothes or sports team attire! Thursday, 28th - Thoughtfulness Thursday- Twin day! Commit to be kind to someone all day! Friday, 29th - Sleep on it Friday wear your favorite pajamas or your Halloween Costume!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, Happy Thursday! *Excited to see you tonight, Thursday, October 21st anytime between 5:30-7:00 p.m. for our PTO Fall Festival and Open House. Teachers will only be available from 5:30-6:45 so if you want to see them, please come early. PTO will have concessions, where everything should be $1. *No School, Friday, October 22nd for students because of teacher professional development day. *Next week is Healthy Habits week. We will have some fun dress up days next week, as well as lessons and assemblies. Please see the Stafford Elementary calendar on the Italy ISD website for details. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, Happy Thursday! *Excited to see you tonight, Thursday, October 21st anytime between 5:30-7:00 p.m. for our PTO Fall Festival and Open House. Teachers will only be available from 5:30-6:45 so if you want to see them, please come early. PTO will have concessions, where everything should be $1. *No School, Friday, October 22nd for students because of teacher professional development day. *Next week is Healthy Habits week. We will have some fun dress up days next week, as well as lessons and assemblies. Please see the Stafford Elementary calendar on the Italy ISD website for details. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, *Thursday, October 21st from 5:30-7:00 p.m. PTO Fall Festival and Stafford Open House! *Teachers will be available in their classrooms from 5:30-6:45 p.m. only. *PTO Fall Festival will be ongoing from 5:30-7:00pm throughout the building. Games and concessions. Everything is $1 at the concession stand. *Go Stafford! t-shirts $10 and car decals $3 will be on sale. Looking forward to seeing you there.
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Family Reminder: Please join us tonight, Tuesday, October 19th for the PTO Meeting at 5:30pm in the cafeteria. A few great reasons to attend: Connect with other parents. Hear about important news and upcoming events. Volunteer your time, at school or at home, to make a difference in our school community. You do not need to be a member to attend. Please enter through the cafeteria door facing the visitor parking lot. If you are unable to attend but would like more information or to stay involved, please contact the PTO by emailing: Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, I hope you enjoyed your Monday off for Fair Day. With only four school days this week, and next week, our staff have kept the students busy busy. *Monday, October 18th is Fall Picture Retake day (yearbook picture). Retake day is for new students that started after 9/7, absent or those that would like to have their picture retaken. Order online at using ID EVT8PZ7NX. Or please send completed order form with exact cash or check payable to Lifetouch. Fall pictures were sent home with your students today. *Parents, make sure you are using the parent portal to keep up with student grades. Progress reports are being updated this weekend. *Stafford PTO Meeting Tuesday, October 19th at 5:30pm in the Cafeteria. ****Thursday, October 21st from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Stafford Open House and PTO Fall Festival. More details next week. Hope to see you there. *No school for students, next Friday, October 22nd for teacher Professional Development day. Thank you for buying and wearing our Go Stafford! shirts and decals. We are proud to be the elementary school for Italy ISD.
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, *Homecoming week has been a rousing success. *Fair tickets went home today, because we are out of school on Monday, October 11th for Fair Day! *Friday, October 8th is an early release day. Buses and car dismissal will begin at 12:20. Lunch will be served before students leave. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families: This week has lots of activities because of Homecoming! With this in mind, we have made the decision to move the Stafford Open House and PTO Fall Festival to Thursday, October 21st from 5:30pm to 7pm. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Michael Steinmetz
Stafford Families: This week has lots of activities because of Homecoming! With this in mind, we have made the decision to move the Stafford Open House and PTO Fall Festival to Thursday, October 21st from 5:30pm to 7pm. Go Stafford!
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Homecoming Spirit Week 2021 * Bring it On! Fight to the Finish! Monday, 4th - All or Nothing - Pj's or Dress to the Nines Tuesday, 5th - In It to Win It - Tailgate Tuesday, Wear your Favorite Jersey! Wednesday, 6th – World Wide - Color Wars * 6th (Orange), 5th (Red), 4th (Lime Green), 3rd (White), 2nd (Purple), 1st (Blue), K (Green), Pre-K (Yellow), Teachers/Staff (Pink) Thursday, 7th - Dynamic Duo, Twin Day! Friday, 8th - Bring It On! Fight to the Finish! - Gold Out! Early Release Stafford 12:20pm; Parade Starts 2pm; Pep Rally immediately after in the Dome; Italy vs. Marlin 7pm Kick Off
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist
Stafford Families, What a week finishing up September. I am so proud of each of our Stafford students ***Big Kahuna Fundraising ends tomorrow Friday, October 1st – Please turn in orders and money, exact cash or checks made out to Big Kahuna Fundraising. Thank you for supporting our school!! ***PE Announcement: In order to have a safe environment the Physical Education department requires proper clothing to be worn on the days your student goes to PE. This dress code is designed for performance and allows for maximum physical activity with minimal risks. (Socks with sneakers that have laces or velcro) ***Go Stafford t-shirts are on sale in the Stafford front office for $10 each, youth and adult sizes. We also have “Go Stafford” decals on sale for $3. Please bring exact cash or checks made out to Italy ISD. We will have a special announcement tomorrow about Homecoming week. Please continue to encourage your student to give their very best every day, and be a Stafford HERO.
over 3 years ago, Laurie Baggerly - Receptionist